Pacific Northwest DX Convention

We all had a great time in 2024. Thanks to WWDXC for hosting a great convention in Everett, Washington.

The Willamette Valley DX Club
will host the 2025 PNW DX convention at the Monarch Hotel in Clackamas, OR,
from August 15 to 17, 2025.
More details to come.

Convention History:

The PNW DX Convention has been held every summer since 1955 with the sponsorship rotating between the major DX clubs of the Pacific Northwest. There was no convention in 2020 because of Covid, and the convention in 2021 had to be done via Zoom for the same reasons.

The 67th Annual Convention was hosted by the Spokane DX Association (, and last year the 68th Annual Convention was hosted by the Orca DX and Contest Club.

Together, these organizations have upheld the rich traditions of amateur radio and the pursuit of DX through five solar cycles. Over the decades, we have enjoyed wonderful friendships and the very special international camaraderie that ham radio fosters in the Pacific Northwest and around the world.

Pacific Northwest DX and Contest Clubs

Spokane DX Association  |  Western Washington DX Club

Willamette Valley DX Club |  Orca DX and Contest Club